However, if the player flies the new ship the module will be fully functional regardless of whether the technology is known. (The only modules that are never found installed on discovered ships are Stellar Embryo and Symbiotic Extension.) The player can not learn a technology from a module, nor can the player move the module between ships. They can also contain a random number of other modules, even if the player does not know the technology. Discovered ships are are most likely (but not guaranteed) to contain the five core modules. Modules can also be found already installed on any discovered space ship. The exact benefits of adjacency depend upon the specific modules and vary widely: at one extreme, a Supra-Conductor is useless unless adjacent at the other extreme, Gravitational Sails and Solar Sails benefit in no way from adjacency. Blue-colored animation in the ship display connects two modules whenever they are considered to be adjacent.
Out there omega edition gaduan upgrade#
Furthermore, the upgrade modules tend to be more effective if the two modules are installed in adjacent storage slots. In most cases the upgrade modules do nothing unless the required module is also installed. Some modules act as upgrades to other modules, which is generally indicated by "Required" in the in-game module description. Modules can be installed in any empty storage slot. Modules can only be installed on a ship if the corresponding technology is currently known by the player, and if the required resources are currently available in storage on the target ship. The game score is increased by 999 points for each technology learned. Its maximum value is 22 - which is only possible if Cryonics was erased at some point and then relearned otherwise the maximum value is 21. "Technologies learned" is one of the statistics shown on the end-of-game summary.

(Note that there are also points in some Objectives where technologies are erased).